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Weekly Halaqa Shaykh Achour El Qaddoury SALAM Islamic Center Sacramento CA

Quran Halaqa

Weekly Halaqa Shaykh Achour El Qaddoury SALAM Islamic Center Sacramento CA

Quran Halaqa with Shaykh Achour El Qaddoury

Join us every Friday at 5:40 pm for an enriching Weekly Halaqa led by Shaykh Achour El Qaddoury. Gain a deeper understanding of the basics of Islamic worship while also diving into the reading and memorization of Surat al-Kahf.

Shaykh Achour El Qaddoury graduated from the prestigious University of Al-Qarawiyyin in Morocco, earning a degree in Shari’ah Studies. He is visiting us to expand some of our programs and services. His expertise lies in Islamic Jurisprudence, Tajweed, Qur’anic Exegesis, and Hadith Studies. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience with him, and we ask Allah (SWT) to bless him and our community during his visit with us.



Oct 06 2023


5:40 pm - 7:00 pm


SALAM Islamic Center
4545 College Oak Drive, Sacramento, CA 95841