Quran Halaqa
Quran Halaqa with Shaykh Achour El Qaddoury
Join us every Friday at 5:40 pm for an enriching Weekly Halaqa led by Shaykh Achour El Qaddoury. Gain a deeper understanding of the basics of Islamic worship while also diving into the reading and memorization of Surat al-Kahf.
Shaykh Achour El Qaddoury graduated from the prestigious University of Al-Qarawiyyin in Morocco, earning a degree in Shari’ah Studies. He is visiting us to expand some of our programs and services. His expertise lies in Islamic Jurisprudence, Tajweed, Qur’anic Exegesis, and Hadith Studies. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience with him, and we ask Allah (SWT) to bless him and our community during his visit with us.