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Taqwa Internship Survey

Taqwa Internship Feedback Survey

Thank you for participating in the Taqwa Internship at SALAM. We are always looking to improve our programs and greatly value your feedback. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey, as your insights are crucial in helping us enhance the internship for future participants.

Your responses will remain confidential and be used solely for the purpose of improving the Taqwa Internship program.

Please take your time and be honest in your responses as you complete this survey.

    Intern Name

    How would you rate your overall experience in the Taqwa Internship?

    What aspects of the internship did you find most valuable?

    Which speakers or sessions resonated most with you during the internship?

    Were there any topics you wish had been covered that were not included?

    How effective was your mentor in guiding your learning and development?

    Did you feel that your projects contributed meaningfully to the organization?

    How challenging and engaging were the projects you worked on?

    How satisfied were you with the structure of the internship?
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied

    What changes would you suggest for the scheduling or format of the internship?

    Would you recommend the Taqwa Internship to others?
    If you answered 'Yes' or 'No' above, please explain why.

    If the internship had not offered any form of payment or stipend, would you still have chosen to join? Why or why not?

    In what area do you feel you experienced the most growth during the internship?

    How well did the internship prepare you for your future career goals?

    What is one thing we did well during the internship and one thing we could improve on?

    Would you be interested in serving as a mentor for future interns?

    Do you have any other comments or suggestions for future internships?