Executive Director Corner
I wish to share the recent change in the Management Structure of SALAM. During its meeting held on September 16, 2021, the Board of Trustees approved the Management Structure shown below, on a 4-month-trial period, to achieve efficiency in managing SALAM. The current By-Laws authorize the Board to grant such a role to the Executive Director. While the Board is aggressively recruiting the new full-time salaried Executive Director, Dr. Metwalli Amer, agreed to assume such a new role temporarily.
- to facilitate the transition to the new structure,
- to smooth the way for the new Executive Director to easily assume the new duties.
According to the new change, the Executive Director, together with the Religious & Social Director, the Outreach & Learning Director, and the Office Manager, will manage the various daily affairs of SALAM. The Board will perform its traditional role to direct, oversight, and seek the financial resources needed to keep SALAM Islamic Center operational.
Effective Monday, October 4, 2021, the Executive Director will be available daily at SALAM from 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm in the Office of Learning Resources, adjacent to the Lounge.
With God’s Guidance and Blessings,
Metwalli Amer